1. uses of touch command
2. Differences between soft links and hard links. How to create a soft link.
3. Advantages of creating links rather than creating copies of original file.
4. Redirections
5. tee
6. find -> created during last 5 days, about -exec and -ok, about -maxdepth
7. default file permissions - umask - file perm when umask is 333
9. chmod Xnnn --> What is this X (1=sticky,2=gid,4=uid)
8. wildcard characters - ls file[123] will list file123?
9. Performance commands : ps
10. difference between ./script, script, source script
11. evn variables : from parent to child is possible or not?
12. diff between cron and at : syntax of cron command and cron file
13. usage of cut filter
14. diff between grep and sed
15. what is awk used for? Advantages of qwk over other filters
16. substitute, find, customization(.exrc) in vi editor
17. positional parameters, $$, $?, shift
18. eval
19. What do you know about file systems? nfs, cachefs, swap, tmp, etc.
20. What is mounting?
21. rsh, rlogin and rcp
22. remove a dir from path without reassigning the whole value to path.
23. rsync
24. which, where is, use of path variable
25. xargs